From CPA Exam Setbacks to Business Dean

The inspiring journey of Dr. Mayse

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In this edition of the Behind The Wins Newsletter, we delve into the inspiring journey of Dr. Adrian L. Mayse, CPA.

Dr. Adrian L. Mayse, CPA

The Initial Struggle

Dr. Mayse's aspiration to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) was met with formidable challenges after completing his Master of Professional Accountancy from Jackson State University. He faced:

Economic difficulties that made funding his exam preparations a daunting task.

The struggle to juggle intensive study sessions with his professional responsibilities.

The profound emotional impact and grief following the tragic loss of his brother in a car accident.

These obstacles led to Dr. Mayse continuously failing a section of the CPA exam, pushing him to the brink of abandoning his dream.

A Pivotal Moment

The course of Dr. Mayse's journey shifted dramatically following a heartfelt conversation with his aunt. She implored him not to let this challenging phase halt the remarkable progress he had made, especially with just one more exam section remaining. This interaction proved to be a game-changer.

The Breakthrough

Bolstered by the unwavering support of his partner (now his husband), his family, and friends, Dr. Mayse refocused his efforts. This network of encouragement and love was instrumental in his renewed determination to conquer the CPA exam, which he eventually did with flying colors.

The Learned Wisdom

Dr. Mayse’s experience taught him the importance of resilience in the face of life-altering challenges. He learned to balance pursuing his goals while managing personal upheavals. This equilibrium, he found, was key to success without sacrificing one aspect for the other. He continues to embrace adaptability as a crucial skill in navigating our dynamic world.

Dr. Mayse advises:

  • Cultivating a supportive network.

  • Demonstrating persistence in the face of obstacles.

  • Maintaining focus on your goals.

  • Embracing and enjoying the journey, with all its ups and downs.

Since then

Post CPA certification, Dr. Mayse’s academic pursuits led him to earn a Ph.D. in Business Administration (Accounting).

He currently holds the esteemed positions of Dean and Professor of Accounting in the Division of Business Administration at Talladega College.

In addition, he has expanded his influence by authoring children's books entitled “When I Grow Up I Want To Be… An Accountant” and “When I Grow Up I Want To Be An Accountant, Too!” inspiring future generations to explore the field of accounting.

Thank you for reading, and big thanks to Adrian for sharing his story with us! 🙌

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