What’s holding you back?

Let’s make sure it’s not you!

Read time: 2 minutes

Often, the biggest obstacle in our journey isn't the external challenges we face, but the internal battles we fight. 

So, we end up getting in our own way.

  • We self-doubt.

  • We self-criticize.

  • We self-disqualify.

  • Then, we self-sabotage or don’t even try. 

Here are ways to stay out of those vicious circles:

  1. Think about your thoughts

So, every time you catch yourself thinking something negative, stop. Ask, "Is this really true?" Often, it's not. Replace it with something better.

  1. Use visual reminders

I have 2 post-it notes on each side of my computer. One says “Pause” and the other one says “Smile - You got this!” Just glancing at something like that during the day makes a huge difference.

  1. Surround yourself with the right people

I’m so grateful for my Finance Sisterhood and the Strategic Achievers community, where I can connect with people who want to move forward while helping others.

  1. Look at the brighter side

End your day by reflecting on at least three things you are grateful for. 

Look back at how far you’ve come and visualize better things ahead. 

Give yourself permission to dream again, and dream big!

  1. Be kind to yourself 

You should be your biggest and loudest cheerleader. 

Love you! Date you! Write encouraging notes to you!

See yourself worthy of good things and make it happen. 

Remember, success starts from the inside out, and it begins with how you manage those internal battles. So, be kind to yourself, believe in your potential, and take those steps towards a brighter future.

Thank you for reading!

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